Monday, December 31, 2007
In this economic crisis era, this is the only way to get your present ...being a terrorist hahaha happy Christmas and have a new year !

Friday, December 28, 2007
The Coffee Cup
I found this article such interesting...
A group of alumni, long established in their careers and very successful, got talking at a reunion and decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired.
During their visit, conversation soon turned into complaints about all the stress in their work and lives. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
When each of the alumni had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor watched and listened to them for a little while. Then he said: "Notice that all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups … and then you began eyeing each other’s cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee; your job, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life. The type of cup one has does not define, nor change the quality of Life a person lives. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. God gives us life. He makes the coffee, not the cups. Enjoy your coffee!" The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply, speak kindly, and spend time over your coffee.
A group of alumni, long established in their careers and very successful, got talking at a reunion and decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired.
During their visit, conversation soon turned into complaints about all the stress in their work and lives. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
When each of the alumni had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor watched and listened to them for a little while. Then he said: "Notice that all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups … and then you began eyeing each other’s cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee; your job, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life. The type of cup one has does not define, nor change the quality of Life a person lives. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. God gives us life. He makes the coffee, not the cups. Enjoy your coffee!" The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply, speak kindly, and spend time over your coffee.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
30 minutos
por una noche amanecida ...creo que meresco un desayono de dos begal con huevo y un vasito de yogu, y claro 30 minutos sin hacer nada, solo comiendo.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
頗有奸商底子 5:他對妳好嘛? 普通, 6:你喜歡啥麼類型的情人? 可愛有氣質的妹妹
7:請問現在你有情人嘛? 空缺中 8:討厭啥麼類型的人? 白爛的人 9:請問你有哪些寶貝情人捏? 情人和寶貝情人有啥不同?難道你是說小老婆?我連情人都沒有,你也想太多了... 10:最想跟傳給你問卷的人說什麼話?
頗有奸商底子 5:他對妳好嘛? 普通, 6:你喜歡啥麼類型的情人? 可愛有氣質的妹妹
7:請問現在你有情人嘛? 空缺中 8:討厭啥麼類型的人? 白爛的人 9:請問你有哪些寶貝情人捏? 情人和寶貝情人有啥不同?難道你是說小老婆?我連情人都沒有,你也想太多了... 10:最想跟傳給你問卷的人說什麼話?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
hoy......es un dia especial, no porque tengo menos tarea, tampoco por sacar buena nota, sino conozco a una chica...una chica con apriencia asiatica pero sangre latino y acento americano. Todo comenzo por un vistazo de mi sketchbook. Yo usualmente no soy muy agil verbalmente introduciendo..,sobretodo con mi ingels machuquechu, entoces fue ella que me comenzo a preguntar ...que casualmente ella vio algunos de mis illustrationes, me pregunto de mi major...y alli que comenzo el encuentro..... y por alli que me di cuenta que no soy la unica gente de CD(comunication design department) que esta en esa clase, yo soy uno y ella es la otra...
no se que va a pasar, pero creo que siento algo, algo no se que.
no se que va a pasar, pero creo que siento algo, algo no se que.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
this is a "small" list for all my final projects---
-final toy in 3d
-packaging for the final toy
-final toy's graphic novel
-a calender for the relief and printmaking-6page
-final woodcut 11x17, at least 10 prints
-one plate for final etching using aguatint at least 10 prints
-a jazz typographic brochure 19x27
-identity for a musem
-packaging for paul pott
-narrative's final project ( i don't know yet)
-1 critique essay
I have to finish all this projects in 2 weeks.
what an exciting ending for my first semester in Parsons....
I think it's gonna to break my "amarre" 's record...
-final toy in 3d
-packaging for the final toy
-final toy's graphic novel
-a calender for the relief and printmaking-6page
-final woodcut 11x17, at least 10 prints
-one plate for final etching using aguatint at least 10 prints
-a jazz typographic brochure 19x27
-identity for a musem
-packaging for paul pott
-narrative's final project ( i don't know yet)
-1 critique essay
I have to finish all this projects in 2 weeks.
what an exciting ending for my first semester in Parsons....
I think it's gonna to break my "amarre" 's record...
但實在是很想吃壽司.可是以平常的價錢實在是買不下手,唯一只有等到 9:00pm才有半價的優惠...就這樣苦苦的等到8:30,在冒著颼颼的冷風, 走了20分鐘到那家日本料理店...心想真是太好啦一定要給他吃到爽...誰知探頭一望我的素食sushi竟然一盒也不剩..真的是超不爽的啦....不死心的我..又在給他檢查ㄧ次...豁然發現好像有一個是我可以吃的, 盒上的標籤寫著natto sushi, 猶豫著到底要不要買呢?想說都等了那麼久如果餓著肚子回家實在很不甘心,就這樣硬著頭皮買了...
我夢以繼日的想吃那盒vegetarian sushi..等了老半天只吃到那盒噁心的natto飯..
但實在是很想吃壽司.可是以平常的價錢實在是買不下手,唯一只有等到 9:00pm才有半價的優惠...就這樣苦苦的等到8:30,在冒著颼颼的冷風, 走了20分鐘到那家日本料理店...心想真是太好啦一定要給他吃到爽...誰知探頭一望我的素食sushi竟然一盒也不剩..真的是超不爽的啦....不死心的我..又在給他檢查ㄧ次...豁然發現好像有一個是我可以吃的, 盒上的標籤寫著natto sushi, 猶豫著到底要不要買呢?想說都等了那麼久如果餓著肚子回家實在很不甘心,就這樣硬著頭皮買了...
我夢以繼日的想吃那盒vegetarian sushi..等了老半天只吃到那盒噁心的natto飯..
Sunday, December 2, 2007
而殘留地不是像 Jackson Pollock 的豪邁潑墨
而殘留地不是像 Jackson Pollock 的豪邁潑墨
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Por un mes de Paola y Alexander
La semana antes de thanksgiving Alex me invito a visitar su campus, realmente a principio yo lo imaginaba que era una universidad media campesina, conventional, y quizas un poco aburrida... pero despues de esa visita, me quedo sorprendido!sobretodo la "FANTASTICA CAFETRIA" comparando lo de Parsons...este es una cafeteria de 5 estrella, y con un precio razonable..( y realmente esta incluido en la beca)...y de verdad despues de esa visita me quede un poco arrepentido de no haber aplicado a Philadelfia,,, hahaha! pero creo que todavia nos da tiempo para hacer un cambio, pues....Alex! aqui ya te prepare tu carnet de parsons, te vas a llamar por un mes Paola Lee, y yo sere Alexander Bisono hahaha! asi que no te olvides preparar mi carnet oiste...

este es ensalada bar...

corn flakes...


y pizza bar...

tu puedes pedir a este chef que te haga cualquier combination de huevo...

udes pueden creer que nada mas con "6" dollars de carnet pueden comer todas comidas que quiera ....
vamos alex mandame mi carnet...tengo hambreeee

este es ensalada bar...

corn flakes...


y pizza bar...

tu puedes pedir a este chef que te haga cualquier combination de huevo...

udes pueden creer que nada mas con "6" dollars de carnet pueden comer todas comidas que quiera ....
vamos alex mandame mi carnet...tengo hambreeee
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
para mi exprofesor
en mi 3 dias de vacation, estuve navegando en el blog de mi exprofesor de taiwan que es faburoso, me hizo reflexionar mucho entre sus palabras y las photografias, sobretodo sus philosofias..en el cual me inspiro mucho, me deja ver la otra cara de arte. frente a sus philosofica interpretation dado a cada imagen, me hizo sentir peguenio, estupido y superficial....
yo nunca adoro tanto a nadie, Mingo ud es primero.
espero que cuando yo sea grande quiero ser como tu..
por lo tanto voy a comenzar desde ahora
voy a poner mis steps de mi " profesorization"--
comenzando a leer los libros y reviews por mas aburrida que sea...
marcar las frases importantes en los libros aunque ni si quiera entiendo lo que esta hablando...
y escribir constantement aunque sea en un pedazo de papel donde maldice a alguien....
pero creo que todos eso pasos me ayudara formar un mejor disenador, y tambien un mejor profesor.
para que despues no oir a mis estudiante de futuro dicen que soy un profesor " rascachicle".
yo nunca adoro tanto a nadie, Mingo ud es primero.
espero que cuando yo sea grande quiero ser como tu..
por lo tanto voy a comenzar desde ahora
voy a poner mis steps de mi " profesorization"--
comenzando a leer los libros y reviews por mas aburrida que sea...
marcar las frases importantes en los libros aunque ni si quiera entiendo lo que esta hablando...
y escribir constantement aunque sea en un pedazo de papel donde maldice a alguien....
pero creo que todos eso pasos me ayudara formar un mejor disenador, y tambien un mejor profesor.
para que despues no oir a mis estudiante de futuro dicen que soy un profesor " rascachicle".
Sunday, November 25, 2007
從小就過著吃草的日子,不要問我為什麼,我他媽的懶得解釋,也不知道為啥白目的newyorker 都以為吃素的人的很有錢,似乎只要有vegetarian這個字, 就可以想收多少錢就收多少..幹..你以為林北家開銀行ㄛ...
還說羨慕我會很多語言,但最後的結果其實就是沒一個講的好....真的是3不是...中文會講不會寫, 英文會寫不會講,西文講起來像鄉下土著....幹...這有他媽的好羨慕嗎....
從小就過著吃草的日子,不要問我為什麼,我他媽的懶得解釋,也不知道為啥白目的newyorker 都以為吃素的人的很有錢,似乎只要有vegetarian這個字, 就可以想收多少錢就收多少..幹..你以為林北家開銀行ㄛ...
還說羨慕我會很多語言,但最後的結果其實就是沒一個講的好....真的是3不是...中文會講不會寫, 英文會寫不會講,西文講起來像鄉下土著....幹...這有他媽的好羨慕嗎....
confieso que soy rencoroso,
quiero ser profesor,
para sentir el placer de torturar.
confieso que soy rencoroso,
quiero ser profesor,
para sentir el placer de torturar.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
je mi primer album
This is a Dominican rock band which I created for my packaging homework, inspiring by detergent packaging. I have never worked this way- using all strong colors, but I think that's good to experiment with different graphic style! when I was working on this project...it remined me one of my old friend---Linette!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
new yorker halloween reportage
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
hoy es dia de preseleccion.....aunque dije que no iba a coger tanta clase, but finally i still took a lot of courses...es que las clases son tan aperas, y lo bueno de graphico es que te convalida mucho creditos de chavon, entonce ahora puedo coger cualquier class que me interese, ojala que me de otro anio de beca, pa coger to esas clases interesantes.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
"Tomorrow" is my archilles heal
I said : "Today I realized my life is a mess..."
I replaied :"but I want to change it....."
I though: " well...I still have time, I can do that tomorrow"
now I think it's the reason why my life is a mess.
I replaied :"but I want to change it....."
I though: " well...I still have time, I can do that tomorrow"
now I think it's the reason why my life is a mess.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
我知道你一定會問我記不記得好幾年前我們一起表演的跨年晚會,我當仍記得...印象最深的就是你的裙子掉下來那一幕,大家差點沒笑翻天,因為你那時真的超白木的..不過也好反正是齣笑劇,也難得你搞到大家笑..記得你每次最厲害也就是把熱絡的場面搞到便冷場,所以那次算是你的經典之作hahaha 唯一一次有笑場沒有冷場....難怪你會問我記不記得....真是不懂的謙虛的死小孩.....講到了跨年晚會你一定部會忘記順便一提我們的第一次相聲處女作-88節的表演,我還記得我那時真是給你打敗了--你竟然拿出你那背論語的精神去背我寫的那種543稿子,還不望搖頭送耳一副正經樣...orz...我想應該就是自重那次的表演....我似乎激發起你那股難以滿足的表演欲,導致你每次都非要死拉我下水去辦一些有的沒有的活動...就這樣我也奸詐得在ㄧ次得活動中陷害了你...硬要較你演ROSA hahaha你也只好屈服在我的淫威下, 無法反抗,也不能反抗...誰叫我是導演ㄚ,,hahaha.所以“ㄧ開始“你就無奈得便成了“妖豔“的 ROSA,誰知你這個38的最後竟然給他走火入魔....還去跟女生炫耀自己有多漂亮...真是沒你辦法...你真的天真的以為自己是那麼的天生麗質?也不想想沒有賴叔用那補牆的技術幫你把你那月球表面的臉捕起來你以為你有多漂亮嗎?當然還有我這半桶的服裝設計師幫你設計那“夢幻小公主裝“ 還有Rafael 和michael 幫你量身定做的水球胸部 否則你真的以為就憑你那雙沒腳毛的教 ㄚ ㄎㄚ就能輕易得麻雀便鳳凰嗎?說到了“焦 阿 ㄎㄚ“ 你一定會向我抱怨,那次開幕典禮得時後我們編得那部起火舞!結果表演得時候火竟然半點都沒起來...倒是那石頭滿地得場底把腳都快磨平了,不過說實在你真的也蠻可憐得...上次被我逼去辦女生這次又要犧牲色相當酋長...所謂得酋長說難聽一點得其實也不過就是很可憐得魁儡要被我畫得人不像人鬼不像鬼...頭上還要被差了一堆有的沒有得葉子,不知道得人還以為是哪來的瘋子hahaha...雖然如此你還是乖乖得讓我畫.....
在我印象裡頭...之後我就把這吃力不討好的"活動組組長“的責任丟給了你...沒多久自己就自私的跑去Chavon,套你說得一句-去當山頂洞人去了.....再之後就便成了家裡的“假日米蟲“,“家裡工作的逃兵“, 每個禮拜只有週末才會從山洞回來....帶著滿堆的作業,和滿臉都不用澆花或施肥就自己會長的很好的鬍子...,然後一回到家就開始受到你們的週末兔潮,雖然你只是嘴巴賤了一點,每次我回去學校之前都會怕我中文學不好...還會塞幾塊台灣的周杰倫,she 或是幾片電影來給我補習一下.....hahaha真是我的好兄弟...
每次我在唸書的時候,你種是說念那麼多幹嘛...走啦..走啦...去睡啦!每次被你誘惑之後去了寢室就便成了開party...聽你用你那五音不全的嗓子,把在好聽的歌到你的嘴都變成鬼哭神號.....不過我久了也就習慣了... 最好笑的是每次party都以扭屁股比賽當結尾....看誰撞誰的屁股硬...orz....我想應該沒有比這更白癡的事了吧....
不習慣沒有人逼我聽台灣音樂,和我唱 Juanes,
如果想要一起演相聲,記的別忘了算我一份,我不會再拒絕你了.... 真的.
我知道你一定會問我記不記得好幾年前我們一起表演的跨年晚會,我當仍記得...印象最深的就是你的裙子掉下來那一幕,大家差點沒笑翻天,因為你那時真的超白木的..不過也好反正是齣笑劇,也難得你搞到大家笑..記得你每次最厲害也就是把熱絡的場面搞到便冷場,所以那次算是你的經典之作hahaha 唯一一次有笑場沒有冷場....難怪你會問我記不記得....真是不懂的謙虛的死小孩.....講到了跨年晚會你一定部會忘記順便一提我們的第一次相聲處女作-88節的表演,我還記得我那時真是給你打敗了--你竟然拿出你那背論語的精神去背我寫的那種543稿子,還不望搖頭送耳一副正經樣...orz...我想應該就是自重那次的表演....我似乎激發起你那股難以滿足的表演欲,導致你每次都非要死拉我下水去辦一些有的沒有的活動...就這樣我也奸詐得在ㄧ次得活動中陷害了你...硬要較你演ROSA hahaha你也只好屈服在我的淫威下, 無法反抗,也不能反抗...誰叫我是導演ㄚ,,hahaha.所以“ㄧ開始“你就無奈得便成了“妖豔“的 ROSA,誰知你這個38的最後竟然給他走火入魔....還去跟女生炫耀自己有多漂亮...真是沒你辦法...你真的天真的以為自己是那麼的天生麗質?也不想想沒有賴叔用那補牆的技術幫你把你那月球表面的臉捕起來你以為你有多漂亮嗎?當然還有我這半桶的服裝設計師幫你設計那“夢幻小公主裝“ 還有Rafael 和michael 幫你量身定做的水球胸部 否則你真的以為就憑你那雙沒腳毛的教 ㄚ ㄎㄚ就能輕易得麻雀便鳳凰嗎?說到了“焦 阿 ㄎㄚ“ 你一定會向我抱怨,那次開幕典禮得時後我們編得那部起火舞!結果表演得時候火竟然半點都沒起來...倒是那石頭滿地得場底把腳都快磨平了,不過說實在你真的也蠻可憐得...上次被我逼去辦女生這次又要犧牲色相當酋長...所謂得酋長說難聽一點得其實也不過就是很可憐得魁儡要被我畫得人不像人鬼不像鬼...頭上還要被差了一堆有的沒有得葉子,不知道得人還以為是哪來的瘋子hahaha...雖然如此你還是乖乖得讓我畫.....
在我印象裡頭...之後我就把這吃力不討好的"活動組組長“的責任丟給了你...沒多久自己就自私的跑去Chavon,套你說得一句-去當山頂洞人去了.....再之後就便成了家裡的“假日米蟲“,“家裡工作的逃兵“, 每個禮拜只有週末才會從山洞回來....帶著滿堆的作業,和滿臉都不用澆花或施肥就自己會長的很好的鬍子...,然後一回到家就開始受到你們的週末兔潮,雖然你只是嘴巴賤了一點,每次我回去學校之前都會怕我中文學不好...還會塞幾塊台灣的周杰倫,she 或是幾片電影來給我補習一下.....hahaha真是我的好兄弟...
每次我在唸書的時候,你種是說念那麼多幹嘛...走啦..走啦...去睡啦!每次被你誘惑之後去了寢室就便成了開party...聽你用你那五音不全的嗓子,把在好聽的歌到你的嘴都變成鬼哭神號.....不過我久了也就習慣了... 最好笑的是每次party都以扭屁股比賽當結尾....看誰撞誰的屁股硬...orz....我想應該沒有比這更白癡的事了吧....
不習慣沒有人逼我聽台灣音樂,和我唱 Juanes,
如果想要一起演相聲,記的別忘了算我一份,我不會再拒絕你了.... 真的.
UN taiwanese membership

Last week read a book about the art against the authority, and I really like the idea... said, if you just use the word to make people follow you it's hard, but instead of word you use the art, it would be easier... I totally agree, so that's the reason why I created this poster, I hope one day Taiwan could be one of UN member.... then become truelly UNlimited Taiwan...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I don't want to make money from this...
I think I'm not gonna be a packaging designer, after reading an article about the pollution and packaging.....
I feel guilty as part of this business.
I feel guilty as part of this business.
As every weekend today is the time to tidy up my messy room... and randomly I saw a new york travelbook which I bought long time ago, it reminds me of some experiences I had...
Remember two years ago I bought the book because I was really expected to come to this special city as all chavon's student's dream, however once I arrived here and really experience the newyorker's life, I realized there is a big difference between what I expected and what it actually is......
remember five years ago, before I came to Dominican Rep, I was so excited to go a Caribean country, but once I lived there, the harsh life forced me to face the reality of this little coutry which is not so wonderful like I thought....
Two weeks ago saw a review a bout a good restaurant, nevertheless after I tasted the food, I didn't feel as good as the article said....
At same time I'm cleaning my room I'm thinking a bout this sort of thing which happend to me again and again....then finally I got my conclusion... more you expect more would disspoint, so I think some time the best way just let thing goes and never expect too much...then once you would realize the life is full of surprises because you are not expecting.
Remember two years ago I bought the book because I was really expected to come to this special city as all chavon's student's dream, however once I arrived here and really experience the newyorker's life, I realized there is a big difference between what I expected and what it actually is......
remember five years ago, before I came to Dominican Rep, I was so excited to go a Caribean country, but once I lived there, the harsh life forced me to face the reality of this little coutry which is not so wonderful like I thought....
Two weeks ago saw a review a bout a good restaurant, nevertheless after I tasted the food, I didn't feel as good as the article said....
At same time I'm cleaning my room I'm thinking a bout this sort of thing which happend to me again and again....then finally I got my conclusion... more you expect more would disspoint, so I think some time the best way just let thing goes and never expect too much...then once you would realize the life is full of surprises because you are not expecting.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
el pensamiento de un vago
no fui pa clase....creo que hoy es un buen dia de tener mi primer ausencia. Fui a comer, a macdonald's, pensando como yo moriria en futuro.... para un artista quizas debe de ser un chin mas dramatico, no ? quizas ridiculosamente morir de ataque de corazon por una risa fuerte ? o quizas heroicamente morir por defender mi patria ? o quizas simplemente morirme jartura por esa comida de chatarra... no se, no tengo conclusion, pero ya termine de comer, y todavia vivo... sera proximo momonto cuando salga de macdonald's y de repente un hulagan me lleva pa cielo? yo realemente no se que estoy diciendo.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Thank you guys for remenber my birthday

gracias El000 por postcard, Diana, y mariconaso Joeric. que lastima que no puedo celebrar mi cumpleanio con udes por estar amarrando demaciado aki ...ni si queira tuve tiempo pa pensar de mi cumpleanio, esta semana ha sido tan desatroso .... pero de otro lado tambien tuve mucha suerte que me buscaron muchos gente para hacer trabajo freelance, hahaha... lo malo es ellos quieren que yo le entregue de una vez.... por tanto no tengo choise de no ser amarradorrrr. well beside that, hoy hice un projecto muy interesante de illustration, mas tarde LO PUBLICARE (en tono de Tomas )hahaha!bueno na, de verdad me alegro mucho de recibir muchas mensaje from los chavoneros, siempre pienso que no soy una gente tan importante para otrasy pense que facilmente de ser olvidado, pero gracias a udes me hicieron sentir especial, gracias los quiero, y los querere.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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